3.4.8. Plot Export¶
The Plot Export dialog is accessed through the ‘Export’ sub-menu in the File Menu of the APEX DV application. It can also be accessed from the right click Plot Menu invoked over a selected plot.
This dialog supports exporting the contents of selected data plots in a variety of formats. For each export operation a new sub-directory will be created under the user defined base export folder. The name of this new sub-directory will include the time stamp of the export operation and an optional user defined annotation text. The export options that can be configured on this dialog include:
Export Directory: Base file system path to store exported files.
Export Options: This selects the output options.
- Plot Preview: Show a preview of the first exported plot in a pop-up window. This is only supported for the CSV text export mode.
- Tabulated CSV File: Export plots to CSV format text file(s).
- Plot Images (PNG):, Export plots to PNG format image file(s), one image for each plot.
- MS PowerPoint File:, Export temporary PNG image files, then combine them in a PPTX format presentation, one image per slide.
- Annotate Export Name: Enables adding user supplied text to the export directory name.
Export Plots: This selects the plots whose contents will be exported.
- Selected Plot(s): Export only plots that are selected on the current page.
- Selected Page: Export all plots that are on the currently visible page.
- All Plots: Export all plots from all pages.
Annotation: User supplied text that will be prepended to the export directory name (if enabled).