1.5.3. Amplifiers Tab

The Setup Editor Amplifiers tab allows users to adjust per channel analog input options. This tab is only displayed if at least one configured input device has such options. All columns after the “Config” column are dynamic and populated with the appropriate settings based on the actual device type that has been selected.

Refer to your hardware manual for the specific settings and usages.


Example Setup Editor Amplifiers tab

The editor is based on a table of displayed channels. One or more lines can be selected in the table. Column values can be changed for all selected table lines by using the input fields on the header row. The following columns are defined for the panel:

Column Accepted Value Description
ID Not editable Internally generated ID
Channel Real channel name Defined on the Channels tab
Type Type of device channel Fixed on some devices, to be configured otherwise.
Config Channel configuration Fixed on some devices, to be configured otherwise.
  Device type and mode specific columns


Multiple Type column choices typically indicate different available measurement modes for the device channel such as voltage, IEPE, bridge, etc..


Multiple Config column choices typically indicate different configuration options within a measurement mode such as quarter bridge, half bridge, etc..